Panasonic Avionics
@Altitude is a global campaign for Panasonic’s online airplane wifi. It enables passengers to access the web, watch the news, and communicate via phone and text with friends and family. In collaboration with Paul Wylde, I created brand guidelines for the @Altitude campaign. The particular challenge for this project was to communicate clearly and effectively why @Altitude is important to passengers during the flying experience.
Graphic Design
Identity, Icon Design, & Campaign Guidelines
Representing connectivity and flight in a direct way, Skyline is a ‘living line’ – a graphic element that represents functionality and customer benefit through a series of dynamic icons. Skyline is used to create icons and innumerable graphic elements throughout the campaign. This concept is simple, bold, and confident. It lends itself towards animations and environments because of its scalability and adaptability.
Included in the guidelines are specific rules and recommendations for how to use the graphics palette in the most effective way.

Brand Applications
A set of possible campaign images describing how the graphics system could be implemented throughout an airport. Showing how the system works is incredibly important in communicating the breadth of the concept taking it from a set of guidelines to real-world applications. The campaign was also distinguished by utilizing white space to combat the amount of overstimulation travelers are inundated with while traveling.

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